15 Mai 2012

Photographer: RJ Shaughnessy

As long as I am still young, pictures of young person fascinate me. Those pictures were taken by RJ Shaughnessy a young photographer from L.A, who went to Arts Center College of Design in Pasadena, California and graduated in 2004 with a bachelor in fine arts. 
 They all capture a certain kind of easy- and lightness. I've read that he is capturing only his own friends, maybe that's why he gets such good shots. In an interview he stated: "I try to be as invisible as possible. I don’t really talk to my subjects too much. I have a new shtick: I try to bring someone with me who is more socially skilled than I am to chat them up. I don’t like breaking the wall of people looking into the camera. On Fader assignments I try to bring other people with me to take their attention away from me. I am attracted to images that are observation, opposed to an awkward photograph with the subject looking in the camera."
He also tries to explain how situations he is capturing, which are just kind of normal, become interesting to other people:  
"Part of me wants to say editing. The realities of situations are boring, but there has to be something broken within the frame. There are always images that stand out, to me, as far as having realness to them. Those are the images I am attracted by. I don’t take too many photos of one thing. Maybe, three frames."
Actually I was amazed about his advertising work, too. Those pictures for Nike are showing a certain kind of asthethic and expression I don't see a lot in adverts. It's so beautiful!
If you have some time you may want to browse his site. 
It's worth a visit!


Nike promotion


Maybe you recognize his work for Adidas?

(all pictures were taken from http://www.rjshaughnessy.com
quotes were taken from http://www.formatmag.com/features/rj-shaughnessy/)

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